The winner of this week's Too Many Altuves award for longest home run belongs to Ryan Ludwick for his June 27th blast in Cincinnati. His 9th inning home run off Milwaukee's Livan Hernandez flew 86.6 Altuves over the wall in left center.
One way to do this is to attend Study Hall during lunch, before the next test. Another, powerful way is to make sure that they bring their COMPLETED NOTES to class on the day of the exam. To aid Students in completing their Notes, Mr. Hatfield makes them available on-line through this blog and gives a Study Guide for Students to complete to demonstrate that they have the Notes, and know what to do with them. Bring evidence that you have prepared for the test, students, and you will be rewarded!ABCya Math games || y8y8y8 ||friv 5 games
One way to do this is to attend Study Hall during lunch, before the next test. Another, powerful way is to make sure that they bring their COMPLETED NOTES to class on the day of the exam. To aid Students in completing their Notes, Mr. Hatfield makes them available on-line through this blog and gives a Study Guide for Students to complete to demonstrate that they have the Notes, and know what to do with them. Bring evidence that you have prepared for the test, students, and you will be rewarded!ABCya Math games || y8y8y8 ||friv 5 games